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New Gun Bills Get Vetoed

Posted on: 10/24/2013

As a result of the string of mass shootings all across the country Democrats in California were pushing for new harsher gun laws. California is already known for having some of the strictest gun laws in the country. With their recent bill proposals it became apparent that they were aiming to become the most austere state in regards to its firearm policy.
In the most recent state senate meeting Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed many key pieces in the new firearm bill. Gov. Brown in a veto statement “I don’t believe this bill’s blanket ban on semiautomatic rifles would reduce criminal activity or enhance public safety enough to warrant this infringement on gun owners’ rights”. He stated that he felt the proposal was too broad and would overly constrain hunters or others using guns legally. Mr. Brown was more focused on the legislation regarding new limits on firearm storage and several measures designed to keep the mentally ill from possessing firearms.

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